writings and illustrations
Friday, February 19, 2010
....blur the line between fine art and body art....
For as many tattooed friends ive run into, had and dated ive never been fond of the idea of getting a tattoo myself until a particular artist's abstract design and work came into my hands.
Take a look at her website! It's lovely.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
nearby there must be a jeweled tree
We've all seen this, right?
But did you ever read this nice poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti ?
I wanted to include it here, but I can't reproduce the visual effect with blogger technology, and the visual effect is very important.
I have always been fascinated by the places where visual art intersects with literary. My favorite kind of art is words evoking images or images words.
I love paintings, and I always want to write about them. I want to create the same feelings that paintings do but with words instead of paint.
Therefore I have also often wished I had Synesthesia, a "neurologically-based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway." or in other words, you see the number 4 and it makes you think of the color green, or something along those lines. In my terms...I would see this painting and think of some incredible perfect words that I could use to etch the painting into the minds of others the way it was etched into mine.
I don't know if Ferlinghetti is a synesthete per se, but he has that talent that I covet for using one sense to express another.
By the way, Dawnley, I think that's what this blog is all about. You tap the visual medium and I try the written and we experiment both ways. What do you think?