writings and illustrations

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

a happy list

Dear Dawnley,

Will you see this post? If so, when? It took me a couple months to notice the last time you posted on this blog. In fact, I deleted all my other blogs, but this one I still have faith in. And today, I feel like sharing a happy list. 10 things that make me happy, the 10 things I thought of first:

1. My baby sleeping cuddled up with me in a sling, with her hand under her cheek against my chest.
2. Evening walks in the cemetery by our house with my husband’s arm around my waist.
3. Organizing my home office.
4. Reading past journals, especially the ones from high school and childhood (especially the one where I wrote, probably as a 6-year old, "I wich it was when I was three beace then things went beter." ...nostalgia, anyone?)
5. The pine trees on top of the hills I see from my window.
6. New shoes that only cost 6 dollars.
7. Summer storms, especially when the evening sun lights up the raindrops like crystals.
8. Making a tasty, healthy, and satisfying dinner without a recipe.
9. Wearing my hair curled.
10. Seeing my baby smile at her daddy when he comes home from work.
