writings and illustrations

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dear Dawnley,

Remember how we use to be pen pals? I am sort of thinking of this blog as a collection of letters... I always loved yours.

I want to share this picture with you. I'd never seen the painting until I found it in the MoMA (the New York Museum of Modern Art) last month. It's another Gustav Klimt. It brings back lovely memories of laying down in the grass at the park or on a front lawn and staring up at the light shifting through stained glass twigs and leaves. I am in love with trees. They are sturdy and romantic. In this painting I see them protecting me, chattering with me in all their flighty shades of green, and pointing out to me where the light is, when it's time for me to go.

Does it seem like anything special to you?

Friday, February 19, 2010

....blur the line between fine art and body art....

For as many tattooed friends ive run into, had and dated ive never been fond of the idea of getting a tattoo myself until a particular artist's abstract design and work came into my hands.
Take a look at her website! It's lovely.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

nearby there must be a jeweled tree

We've all seen this, right?

But did you ever read this nice poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti ?

I wanted to include it here, but I can't reproduce the visual effect with blogger technology, and the visual effect is very important.

I have always been fascinated by the places where visual art intersects with literary. My favorite kind of art is words evoking images or images words.

I love paintings, and I always want to write about them. I want to create the same feelings that paintings do but with words instead of paint.

Therefore I have also often wished I had Synesthesia, a "neurologically-based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway." or in other words, you see the number 4 and it makes you think of the color green, or something along those lines. In my terms...I would see this painting and think of some incredible perfect words that I could use to etch the painting into the minds of others the way it was etched into mine.

I don't know if Ferlinghetti is a synesthete per se, but he has that talent that I covet for using one sense to express another.

By the way, Dawnley, I think that's what this blog is all about. You tap the visual medium and I try the written and we experiment both ways. What do you think?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Thought #2: As i proceeded to receive motivation to work on math homework done online over Martin Luther King weekend. I fumbled around on the internet purposefully avoiding the site i needed to be on. With excessive fumblidge (yep! that's a made up word!) I found a fabulous site for FREE CATALOGS!!!!! I spent nearly two hours going through each category finding the catalogs that obviously come to my advantage. For example, a catalog for tea drinkers, crochet, mustangs, i even found a catalog for my boyfriend Wes-collectible action figures! Here's your chance to do the same: http://www.catalogs.com/

Saturday, January 16, 2010

If January weren't full of ideas....

Despite the ounce of personal time i tend to have with Spring Semester in full bloom, many creative thoughts have been scribbled down in my planner/sketchbook as i have longed to find time to express them AND at that, somewhere legit.

Thought#1: As a friend of mine showed up to accompany me in Ephraim this semester she thoroughly pleaded with me to join a class of Tap with her. In the process of doing so, she introduced me to the Minsky Sisters while commenting, "This is how cool we could be!"